Well folks, who would of thought that 2 years would go by so quick?
Words can not adequately describe the love I feel for my mission, the amazing people of Brazil, and most of all my love for my Savior Jesus Christ. What a journey it has been.
1. CTM
It all started 2 years ago in the "CTM" in Brazil, where I was thrown into the culture and Portuguese. I did my best to learn how to be an effective missionary and how to speak the basics. I began to feel the Savior helping me overcome my difficulties and fulfill my true potential.
2. Salgado Filho
Then out to the mission field I went, and arrived in my first area- Salgado Filho!!! Elder Prata showed me how to do the work. The amazing saints of Brazil helped me SO much. After I had a few good short weeks with Elder Ferris, then came Elder Oliver! We didn't have very many baptisms in my time here, and I felt down at times. Adjusting to mission life, having difficult companions, not knowing how to speak was difficult for me, but these moments made me rely on His help, and how grateful I am for having had these experiences!
3. Ala Centro-Santa Maria
After off to Ala Centro-Santa Maria I went! Me and Elder Olivares were new in the area and on the mission, and with my district leader responsibilities I really had to rely on the Spirit to teach me and show me the way! I grew up a lot in this time. I learned to love my study time, read the Book of Mormon, Preach My Gospel, and Jesus the Christ.
4. Alegrete
Finally I was transfered to a different city-Alegrete! How I love this city and Ala Prado. I really felt like I was making a difference there. I was able to leave things quite better than they were before I got there! The miracles started to happen. My first transfer with my son Elder Bagley was amazing, and my second with Elder Olegario was full of baptisms! Felipe, Lucas, & Margarida. Amazing people! My heart will always have a soft spot for Alegrete!!!!
5. São Gabriel
Then off I went to São Gabriel to serve with Elder Loureiro! Our zone was awesome. I learned SO much with Loureiro and we formed a brothership that will never be broken! Our branch Bom Fim was great, and we saw a lot of success! The next transfer I served in the other branch São Gabriel with Elder Lopes!!! We were able to work well together and make a difference. I finally felt confident in teaching the Gospel, speaking Portuguese well, and being a Christlike leader. What a great time I had there.
6. Santa Marta
God always knows whats he´s doing, and saved the best for last for me- back to Santa Maria in the Santa Marta ward! With Elder Luz, Elder J. Silva, and Elder Lundrigan at my side we were able to do big things! The Lord immensely blessed us. We had many miracles, weddings, and baptisms happen. This is for sure the strongest ward in the mission and it was a privilege to serve 6 months here and end my mission here!
I´m very grateful for every amazing experience I had, every life I was able to touch, and above all for having time to know my Savior a little better. I´m eternally indebted to him for all that He did and does for me. I know that Jesus Christ and his infinite Atonement is what matters most. The Book of Mormon changed me and my perspective on life. I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is His church restored on earth, and all we need to do is follow Him. I love you all and thank you for all your love, prayers, and support.
See you soon,
Elder Rawson
1 Corinthians 13:11
P.S. I`ll be home June 13th and my homecoming will be June 17th at 11:00am for anyone who's interested!
Splits action shot with Elder Christiansen |
The sunsets here are unreal- featuring my bathrobe |
Snack time with Seila and family |
My last exchanges with my old comp, Elder Olivares!!! |
My old investigators- Emerson and Samanta |
selfie from Pday with President Louza |
Churrasco with an authentic gaucho!!! |
Kauan´s baptism
last pic with irmã Eliziane and fam! |