1. A week to remember
What a week it´s been. The mission is absolutely amazing! The church was packed this week and we had 10 investigators present, so I`m as happy as can be. We have a solid teaching group, God´s elect that He put in our path. The blessings are raining down in Santa Marta!
The funniest thing that happened this week was a call we got from our recent converts, Roger and family, asking if they could give a blessing to their sick cat. LOL. At least he was trying to use his priesthood, right?!
Also the water in Santa Maria got contaminated and we´re not supposed to drink it cause lot´s of people are getting sick. I chug water cause it´s hot here, but we've been blessed and everyone's okay!
2. The Spirit guides us
We really are so protected as missionaries! Last week our FHE with Luiz ended after dark, but we felt that it would be good to walk him home instead of going straight home. Well we found out that that very night a crazy man was on the street with a machete exactly on the route we would of taken home, but since we took Luiz home we didn't even pass close by!
Also on Friday a member told us that there was a job opening at a restaurant, and if we knew anybody who needed a job that he had an opening! Not 2 hours after our investigator told us he needs a job! I could clearly see the hand of the Lord helping us. Cool stuff.
Well I`m super happy with how my mission is going. I've seen lots of changes in myself and in our mission since I got here. I´m eternally grateful for this opportunity to serve my Master!
Elder Rawson
Ether 4:18-19
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