Monday, November 13, 2017

Heating Up!

1. Overview
Hellooooo everyone! This week was super good and we were blessed to see the Lord´s hand every day! We´re working with a ton of incomplete families, and we´re happy with the progress we´re seeing! The sun is heating up here, and being a missionary in Brazil during the summer is tough!

2. An FHE to remember
Every Thursday we have FHE at the chapel with the 2 branches in the city, and it´s great to have that interaction with members and investigators! This week as part of the message I had to do 3 pushups for every person that came to represent the Atonement of Christ. My arms were a bit sore after to say the least considering the fact that it´s been 1 year and 4 months since I´ve been in a gym! Who knew I would miss my crossfit?!;)

I know that God loves us and takes care of the details in our lives.
Elder Rawson

our district

my hot new tie

walking to a lesson

Lesson with Michael & Gabriel

our fearless ward mission leader!

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