1. A splendid week!
HELLO Y´ALL:) This week was full of miracles. The Lord´s hand is ever so present in my life and I love it! The highlight of the week was for sure Kauan's baptism! He was crazy excited. His parents even came out to watch and now we´re working to get them legally married! I was super grateful for the ward's support- it was packed and there wasn't room for everyone so people crowded in the back and into the hallway. Some investigators made it out to church as well that we weren't sure if they would be able, so we´re being super blessed with the progress!
Kauan´s baptism |
selfie with the crew |
2. Three service projects
As missionaries we´re supposed to always search for planned and unplanned opportunities to serve, and this week we finally were able find some! We painted a grandma´s house and as we were cruising along our day to day plans we saw 2 moving projects that we helped with! People think we´re crazy to offer help with manual labor with a white shirt and tie, but I love it:)
Grateful for opportunities to do service |
Our painting project |
3. Enjoy the little moments
My time here on the mission has taught me to enjoy the little moments! Just making the best of every little oppurtunity you have. Whether its taking a cold shower after frying in the sun all day, or ordering pizza when you complete "a sister mission" aka 1 year and 6 months. I hope you all can take the time to enjoy the little moments and seek Christ in all that you do.
a Coca Cola factory in our area |
my pizza for 1 year and 6 months of service! |
Love you all:)
Moroni 7:34
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