Monday, October 23, 2017

Brazil Has My Heart

1. Update from Brasil
Hello everyone, things are going real well here and the Lord is blessing me in every moment! My new branch is amazing, the members here are super involved in missionary work. We had 6 investigators at church! I gave a talk, the 9th in 15 months, and I must say it went well. Our shower broke this week so we had 3 days of ice showers. You never count the small blessings until they're gone!

2. English Class- Felipe
My English class here in São Gabriel is coming along well! It’s mostly just members but there is a man who comes every week! We visited him and he has 0 religious background and beliefs, but he said that he usually has problems focusing in classes, but at English class
in the church when we start with a prayer he focuses noticeably better! Made me feel happy.

3. The sacrifice of the Brazilian Saints
The members here in Brazil are amazing! They truly are willing to give it all to the Lord to help build his kingdom. We're working with a part member family, and one of the girls is turning the big 15, but they didn't have much to give her a party or even a cake... So we told the YW pres and she got on it and threw a huge party! Now the rest of the family is progressing towards baptism... I love the people of Brazil with all my heart <3

Elder Rawson

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