Monday, October 16, 2017

Lose Yourself and Go to Work!

1. Mission counsel in Santa Maria 
Helloooo everyone! Transfer week is always crazy. Monday night we traveled to Santa Maria for our mission counsel meeting! We talk about how we can make the mission better and overcome our weaknesses, and then receive training from President Louza! I enjoy passing by the city that I love so much.

2. New Area/Branch
So now I´m with my new comp, Elder Lopes, and we´re working in the other branch on the other side of town! We got here knowing nothing, but thank goodness the Elders before left the area book with addresses and a map! We spent all week running around getting to know the members and investigators and trying to find someone who´s ready for baptism! I´m grateful to have the Spirit with me to lead and guide me in every moment.
Me and Elder Lopes

3. Just go to Work!
This week President came to town for district conference, and he interviewed me and we had a great talk! We talked a lot about my zone, my area, and my progress as a missionary. At the end he asked me if I was having any difficulties, and I realized that I've been so busy serving that I haven't even had time to think about me! I know that when we lose ourselves 100% in the work that God takes care of us.

I testify that this is Christ's church and that The Book of Mormon is the most correct book on earth and that we should study it every day!

com amor por todos,  (with love for everyone)
Elder Rawson

our send of crew when Elder Loureiro left.

mission counsel friends

 I saw some friends during transfers

 our district

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