Monday, October 9, 2017

Ending the transfer with a bangg

1. Baptism of Guilherme
This week we saw a miracle that we never quite expected to happen... Guilherme was baptized! He spent his whole life as a dedicated member of another church but started receiving the missionaries 4 months back... It was hard for him to accept Sunday worship,  the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith, BUT when he prayed and got an answer and "left everything, and followed Christ." His Pastor was furious, his family doesn't support him but he knew what was right and he did it! His story is such a testimony to me that Christ really restored His church and answers our prayers!

New Convert Guilherme is 22 years old and wants to serve a mission.

The baptism of Guilherme

2. Our visit to Pomares
So there is a little villa that is part of our area that's about 2 hours away on foot called "Pomares." This week we really felt inspired to visit there, contact a few addresses, and plant some seeds! So off we went and it was easy to see what God had prepared for us! Every house that we knocked let us in. It was amazing!

Some cool pictures of our area

Elder Rawson in beautiful Brazil

3. New Transfer
So sadly I´ll be saying goodbye to my favorite companion, Elder Loureiro, today.... He was amazing and I´ll forever be grateful for our time together! I was also shocked when President told me that I would be transferred to the other branch in the city! So I've got a new area, members, and comp! I know God will strengthen me and make miracles happen.

Love you all!
Elder Rawson

working with Elder Loureiro

Tie game on point

Brazilian children are amazing!
Elders with branch President's family
pre-conference picture
Our district

my two favorite irmas

Morning running adventures

Elder Childs (an Elder I live with)  loves to run, so we go a couple of times a week

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