Monday, October 2, 2017

Conferencia Geral!

1. A wonderful confrence weekend
Hellllloooo everyone, I hope your week was as wonderful as mine! Listening to the teachings of latter day prophets is always a good way to spend your weekend! I loved all the talks about how to endure to the end well and not succumb to worldly temptations. My favorite Old Testament scripture was quoted at least 3 times (Proverbs 3:5-6). We watched it at the church building with our Branch and it was great!

2. The Little Victories
This week we were super happy with Guilherme's progress! He spent 10 years in another church and has been hearing the lessons for some time now, and after watching all 4 sessions of conference has accepted a baptism date! I am grateful that the Lord softens the hearts of people to hear our message.

That's all folks! This computer isn't letting me send pics, so apologies mom.

Elder Rawson

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