What a splendid week we all had! Conference is always a good charge to our spiritual batteries. If you didn't have a chance to watch Sunday Afternoon, go back and watch it cause it was a winner! On Saturday I was waiting for President Uchtdorf to crack an April Fools joke, but that would be "against Church policy" or something I guess. Watching it translated into Portuguese is different, but I was grateful for Elder Christofferson. He pre-recorded his talk in Portuguese for us so we got to hear his actual voice! Also, anyone else see Donald Trumps twin singing in the Mo Tab???
2. Getting to know the Brazilian Police
So we had an interesting experience here in Santa Maria Centro this week! We were teaching a less active woman and her non member daughter the Plan of Salvation (interesting enough, her daughter passed away during the Santa Maria fire and tragedy of 2013) and the Police busted in with guns a- blazing! They searched the house for a criminal on the loose, so we were completely fine but it was a shock to say the least! We had to reschedule the lesson for next week cause they had to lock down the neighborhood. Pois é, faz parte.
(Translation: Yeah, it's part of it.) All is well though!
3. FHE update
This week we had a STELLAR family night with our investigators and President and Sister Louza! Rose and Pedro are really moving along. They are still praying about a baptism date but I know that once they get baptized they'll be there to stay! We also had a family night with our ward mission leader and some investigators. It's one of the best ways to share the Gospel here through small and simple means.
FHE with Rose and Pedro
FHE with Chico and crew |
That's all folks! Also we went on a forest hike for P-day so if you want to see photos check out my blog.
-Elder Rawson
John 3:16-17 (cited THREE times during conference)
Forest hike on p-day |
Elder Rawson exploring the Brazilian forest |
I made my comp a cake for his birthday! |
Zone meeting |
Splits with Elder Burton |
I won the March madness bet! |
we get rained on sometimes, but the work of the Lord goes on! |
a HUGE spider! |
Friend from Salgado Filho Ward |
More Salgado Filho friends |
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