1. My last mission counsel
This week was the last mission leadership counsel meeting! I bore my "last testimony" along with the other missionaries who are going home next transfer... We talked a lot about the great change that our mission had. Today we have harder working and more obedient missionaries, our mission is baptizing almost double from when I got here, and mission life is all around better. I´m grateful to have been a part of this change and for my personal conversion that will stay with me for the rest of my life!
2. Miracles that happened this week
This week was amazing! Jerusa, the step mom of Diane our recent convert, always chatted with the missionaries but never was really interested. Her mom was a member so she has known the church for 6+ years. Well this week she told us she made a deal with God, and that if she got the job she applied for she would change her life and come to church- and she got it! When we got to her house on Saturday she told us how she´s ready to be baptized. So cool!
Also a month ago we made a street contact with a teenage girl who was already baptized and she started coming back to church! Well this week she told us how she didn't know if she should go to her mom´s church or come back to ours so she said a prayer, and a few days later we stopped and talked to her. She recognized this as an answer from God and now she´s reading the Book of Mormon daily, doing Personal Progress, and wants to serve a mission! All this because I followed the Spirit and opened my mouth.
This Saturday will be Leticia and Alisson´s wedding, followed by the baptism of Leticia and Vitoria, another girl we´re teaching! I´m so grateful to see the blessings of heaven every day. I know God´s immensely blessing me in these last days on the mission. I LOVE MY MISSION
Elder Rawson
Giant Livro de Mórmon |
my last mission counsel with my friends |
FHE with investigators/members |
a member was randomly wearing a Ute shirt #GoTyler |
Elder Lopes- ex comp |
my Sister friends |
Goodbye pizza for Elder J Silva |
Elder Luz- ex comp
haircuts with our man Irmão Silvio |
Elder Lundrigan-my last companion | | | | | | | | |
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